After a Shaky 2017, Disney is Predicted to Regain its Balance

In an article from, Disney’s dip in annual revenue, which has not happened in seven years, was contributed by two main factors: an abundantly successful 2016 for their film industry and a significant shift in TV-viewing away from cable towards online streaming services. However, investors in this entertainment powerhouse should not feel worried; Disney has sought out ways to mend their financial losses and evolve with their consumer’s needs.

Although Disney released some major blockbusters in 2016, they continued to have successful films in 2017, and have even more highly-anticipated films to be released in 2018, like Avengers: Infinity War and Solo: A Star Wars Story, that will continue their legacy of impressive film success. As for the increasing popularity of online streaming services, Disney has began creating their own streaming service, similar to Netflix and Hulu. This means that most Disney owned films and TV shows will be taken off of those other streaming services so that they can only be exclusively found on Disney’s new streaming service. This new online video business is expected to be released in 2019.

I think Disney has recognized that a great way to continue a strong fan base for their film industry is to continue creating film series along with new stand-alone films. The film series contain several movies that are released over several years which create a need for the viewers to continue going to theaters to see how the series will play out in the sequels. The new streaming service that Disney will release in 2019 is an excellent business move on their part. Disney has recognized that society and our culture are shifting to more online entertainment, therefore Disney is now adapting to their customer’s wishes. We have seen the huge success that Netflix and Hulu have had over the past few years, and I can only assume that Disney will also see very similar success.

Disney has been an entertainment giant for decades; this company has mastered the ability to evolve with society’s interests in order to continue satisfying their customers. I can only imagine the pressures that the Disney executives feel when going through a more difficult year, but from what this article reported, it sounds as though Disney’s business leaders have made strategic decisions that will advance them down a path to another year of success.

One thought on “After a Shaky 2017, Disney is Predicted to Regain its Balance

  1. I think Disney is doing a great job of creating new films to continue popular series and driving more revenue. They are making sequels to movies that we watched when we were kids and that allows them to have several different age groups attending the movies. The streaming service that you talked about is a great way to have another profit stream. I think it will be very popular. I’ll probably try it out. Disney continues to add new rides to their theme parks as well I heard. I don’t think the success will stop anytime soon. On a side note, I’m going to Disney World next year.

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