Disney Ups Their U.S. Park Ticket Prices

An article from ABC News reported that Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida and Disneyland in Anaheim, California have increased their ticket prices for one-day passes. This price change was enacted on Sunday February 12, 2018 in both U.S. Disney locations. This fluctuation in prices will continue to change throughout this upcoming year.

At the Magic Kingdom, the most well-known park in Walt Disney World, will increase increase by $4 during the “regular” visiting time for both adults and children. During their “peak” visiting time, both adult and children prices will be $14 more. At Disneyland, “regular” visiting time for tickets will increase by $7 and an increase of $11 will occur during “peak” visiting time. In addition, passes for Florida residents, which are typically discounted, will see an increase as well.

This flexible pricing at U.S. Disney parks was first introduced in October of 2015 and was intended to more evenly distribute the attendance throughout the year. From personal experience, I have found that the summer months and holidays, especially Christmas, are the busiest visiting times for the United States Disney parks. The higher prices during these times will help to prevent from overcrowding in the parks, which can often times diminish visitor’s Disney experience.

No one enjoys paying more money to do something. However, I do think that this price increase will not discourage people from attending the park at all; instead, it will encourage people to attend Disney parks at their less busier times, alleviating stresses from Disney executives and employees while creating a more wholesome, light-hearted experience for all those looking for a sweet escape at the happiest place on earth.

One thought on “Disney Ups Their U.S. Park Ticket Prices

  1. I find it a little bit crazy that Disney is raising its prices on its pass and they’re expected to do it every year I just find it outrageous. I thought they will at least keep the price the same but I get it I guess Disney is a business and they do need to find ways to make more money. I believe that people will pay whatever amount Disney asks for just to get in cause Disney is at least in my eyes the Number one attraction.


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